Services – Bonded Inventory
Once a part becomes obsolete there are only so many left in the world for procurement. This stock is no longer going to be replenished through manufacturing. The longer a part has been obsolete, the smaller the amount of stock available as companies purchase whatever product is left in the open market. Not only will the cost for that part increase over time, so will counterfeit issues.
If a customer has an obsolete part that they buy again and again, our bonded inventory program is a great way to ensure the stock that is left is available when they need it.
Under the program, HTFI purchases the needed inventory and stores it in our insured and secure warehouse.
The parts are shipped on an agreed upon schedule and the client is invoiced per scheduled shipment. This not only assures the client that they will have what they need when they need it, but it also spreads the cost out over the course of the schedule.
The schedule can be pushed or pulled per the client's needs.